Salon des Refusés 2024

The Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition presents its very own Salon des Refusés 2024.

BWAC announced an open call for the Salon des Refusés 2024 exhibit on August 7th. Artists who received a rejection letter for The Brooklyn Artists Exhibition were invited to exhibit their originally submitted artwork at BWAC instead. The number of submissions for the BWAC exhibition was capped at 200 artists.

The original Salon des Refusés took place in 1863 when the Paris Salon held its annual exhibition of academic arts. Thousands of artists applied but were rejected and were unable to display their work in the official Salon exhibition. It was determined that their work did not fulfill academic standards of the time. Emperor Napoleon III, who wanted the public to make the decision, organized a simultaneous exhibition of all the rejects in the Palace of Industry. This exhibition included artists such as Manet, Cezanne, Pissarro and Whistler. The exhibition of “rejects” became famously known as the Salon des Refusés 1863.

“As artists, we are very grateful for having the opportunity to submit a work to be exhibited at the Brooklyn Museum,” said Janet Morgan, co-curator of BWAC’s Salon des Refusés 2024. “Still, artists want to exhibit their works, so BWAC is giving them that opportunity.” 

Welcome to Brooklyn's Salon des Refuses 2024, an art show at BWAC.

  • September 21 to October 13, 2024

  • Saturdays & Sundays, 1pm to 6pm

  • BWAC Gallery, 481 Van Brunt Street, Red Hook, NY 11231

    Opening Reception: Saturday, September 21, 1pm to 6pm


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